Professional Practice Hall of Fame

The Professional Practice Hall of Fame (formerly Cooperative Education Hall of Fame) was created in 2010 to recognize individuals who have had a significant influence on our Professional Practice Programs, as well as alumni of our programs that have demonstrated unparalleled excellence in their field to serve as shining ambassadors of the opportunities that experiential education grants. Individuals are nominated and approved by the Professional Practice Advisory Council, a group of Purdue faculty that aid in the oversight and implementation of our Professional Practice Programs across campus.

Congratulations to the 2023 Professional Practice Hall of Fame inductees!



2024 Tom Clement (ME), Steve Downer (ME), Alicia Gardner (ChE), Andre Luyckx (ME), Angie Martin (CE), Kunal Sethy (EE), Patty Sorenson (MSE), Ted Tharp (ChE), Inaugural GEARE Cohort: David Bowes, Sam Frank, Kevin Hess, Michael Radovanovic, Katie Boor Ramos, Anna Kuhn Wild
2023 Ed Barriball (MSE), Keith Churchill (CE), Nat Keammerer (ME), Chuck Krousgrill (ME), Curtis McKee (EE), Andy Mosier (ChE), Amy Ross (ME), Melanie Sprague (ME)
2022 Marcia Alstott(ME), Drew Bender(CE), Caley Burke(AAE)Brian Griffin(MSE)Lisa Laughner(ME)Jim Magro(EE)Kamwana Mwara(AAE)Virginia Booth Womack(IE)
2021 Eric Born (ChE), Dianna Clute (MSE), Carlos Hernandez (CE), Alan Kennedy (ME), Dan Stoppenhagen (CE), Jessica Van Dalen (MSE), Dennis Warner (AAE)
2019 Carl Margraf (ChE), Jim Rau (ME), Peter Tortorici (Metallurgical), Steve Wanders (CE)
2018 Paul Amico (CE), Thomas Beutner (AAE), Geoffrey Cubitt (IE), Eckhard Groll (ME)
2017 Amy Adams (IE), Stacy Bartoletti (CE), Tony Denhart (EE), Ron Klemencic (CE), Sarah Smith (ME), Greg Winer (ChE)
2016 C. Douglas Ebersole (AAE), Bradley Maggart (ME), Jerry Matthews (ME), Dr. Larry Ogborn (ECE)
2015 Linda Davis (ChE), Jim Karl (MSE), Candee Krautkramer (ChE), Steven Perry (ChE), Janice Voss (AAE)
2014 Mary Lee Gambone (MSE), Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann (IE), Cindy Farrer (IE), Janet Goings (ECE), Rebecca Kopp-Levine (ChE), Hannis Thompson (ECE)
2013 Robert "Bob" Davis (ChE), John Grutzner (Chemistry), Winthrop Gustafson (AAE), Keith Hawks (ME), William Nelson (ChE)
2012 Rick Bried (EE), Kathy Kilmer (IE), Robert Squires (ChE), John Storm (MSE)
2011 Lawrence Cargnino (AAE), Renee Fieldhouse (ME), Norman Gilsdorf (ChE), Ron Haddock (ME), Tom Mason (EE)
2010 James Barany (IE), Neal Houze (ChE), Tom Malott (ME), Fred Morse (ME), Leonard Wood (CE)